Leadership in a time of Crisis

I came across this article in Sifted recently and, while it is addressed to founders, the same lessons can apply across the board in these current, challenging times.

It is important to be authentic as people are smelling insincerity very quickly these days. It is also important to make sure that everybody recognises that, even though you are doing your best, you may not have all the answers at any particular moment – because no one does. To say, “I’m sorry – I just don’t know at the moment” is not weakness – it is an acknowledgement of reality and people will understand.

I particularly like the Steve Jobs quote: “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” We should all remember that and try to hire the smartest of people who will make a measurable difference to our organisation – especially now.

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How startup founders can lead in times of crisis | Sifted